
准备好为您的孩子注册了? 下面是如何开始!

Families may apply at any time as the Hiersteiner 儿童发展中心 has open enrollment; however, 招生主要按照学院的时间表进行. 例如, 当学院四月份开始招收秋季学生的时候, we will also do the majority of fall offers in April to coincide with the College enrollment.

教室坐满后, families that apply will go on the waiting list and be offered a spot once it becomes available via email. Applications are not valid until the non-refundable application fee has been paid. 申请费用为 放弃 赌钱app可以微信提现学生,非学生家庭35美元.

招生 offers will be made based on the order that an application and application fee are received and will also consider the family's current status in the following order:

  1. 返回HCDC家庭或兄弟姐妹
  2. 赌钱app可以微信提现学生
  3. 赌钱app可以微信提现教职员家庭
  4. 非赌钱app可以微信提现/社区家庭


Once it is determined that there is an opening for your child, 您将通过电子邮件收到HCDC的录取通知. You will then be required to accept/decline your child’s offer and pay the refundable deposit. The refundable deposit is $400 for full-time enrollees, $200 for part-time enrollees (per child).

This deposit will be refunded at the end of your child’s attendance, provided the withdraw notice outlined in the Family Handbook is followed.

一旦你接受了孩子的提议, 然后HCDC会给你发一封录取通知书, 关于如何支付押金的信息, 还有一个新的儿童文件包.

Payment is for the time scheduled, regardless of child’s attendance. Refer to the HCDC Parent Handbook for additional information regarding enrollment.

Families will indicate on their child’s application what session they are requesting and can request a change in writing to the Program Director as applicable. All programming is considered “Year-Round” and once a child is accepted and completes the admissions process, they are enrolled until the family either withdraws (see Withdrawal Process on page 20 of the Family Handbook) or the child naturally ages out after their final Pre-K year/6 years old.

Families will have the option to enroll for each Optional Care week(s) when 赌钱app可以微信提现 classes are not in session. 有关详细信息,请参阅下面的可选护理. Children will age up to new rooms when appropriate and the administrative staff will notify families about that process when applicable. Children only “move up” at semester points (August, January, June) once they are eligible to move up.


家庭折扣: A 10% discount will apply to families when more than one child is enrolled and will be applied to the rate of the older sibling(s).

存出保证金: 全日制(M-F)押金为每名儿童400美元. 兼职(上下楼或上下楼)押金为每个孩子200美元.

滞纳金: 每个结算期10美元

可选护理逾期注册费: $25 late fee for optional care*; enrollment is subject to availability and not guaranteed after the registration date.

关门后接机费用: 迟到接送费用请参阅HCDC家庭手册. 这些费用随着每次迟到而增加, 频率可能会影响你孩子的入学.

可选护理周*: 几周的选择性护理需要注册. If you do not register your child, you will not be charged, but your child cannot attend. If you register your child, you will be charged for each corresponding week you select. 周是在 家庭日历.

*All children are enrolled year-round (August-July academic year), 每个可选的护理周都需要提前登记.



幼儿费学生: 蹒跚学步的


  • 外胎/碰头:145美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:180美元
  • 整周:280美元

幼儿费学生: 学前教育


  • 外胎/碰头:125美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:155美元
  • 整周:240美元


幼儿费学生: 蹒跚学步的


  • 外胎/碰头:150美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:195美元
  • 整周:310美元

幼儿费学生: 学前教育


  • 外胎/碰头:140美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:165美元
  • 整周:265美元


幼儿费学生: 蹒跚学步的


  • 外胎/碰头:185美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:230美元
  • 整周:365美元

幼儿费学生: 学前教育


  • 外胎/碰头:175美元
  • 我的/结婚/星期五:200美元
  • 整周:310美元


  1. Check your balance on the Playground app or by calling the front desk before attempting to pay.
  2. 中心付款页面.
  3. Select 支付费用.
  4. 如果计划定期付款,请选择该选项. 输入每周或每月的金额并选择 下一个. 输入付款是按周还是按月. Enter date of first payment; if weekly is selected will repeat on this day of the week. If monthly is selected, then payment will recur on that date. 输入付款结束计划并选择 下一个.
  5. 如果是单次付款,请选择该选项. 输入金额并选择 下一个.
  6. 输入您最年长的孩子的名字并选择 继续.
  7. Select 付款流程.
  8. 输入电子邮件地址并选择 继续注册.
  9. Select 支付方式 and enter either credit card or electronic check information.
  10. 输入账单地址信息并选择 继续.
  11. Review payment summary and contact information to ensure it is correct. If you paid by electronic check, enter YES in the box to agree to an electronic payment. 然后选择 提交付款.
  12. 收据将通过电子邮件发送给您.

Optional Care enrollment periods are defined as weeks when the HCDC is open and 赌钱app可以微信提现 classes are not in session. Parents can keep their child home or follow the pre-registration requirements for your child to attend HCDC during these time periods.
如果您在选择性医疗登记期间需要护理, 重要的是要记住以下政策:

  • 截止日期前,将接受注册. 如果在截止日期之后收到请求, children’s names will be placed on a waiting list for available spaces. 截止日期后,不保证入学. An additional $25 late registration fee will be added to your fees per child.
  • Optional Care enrollment during the specific Optional Care weeks is for your child’s regularly scheduled semester hours. 例如, 如果你的孩子在MWF全天上课, then the Optional Care week enrollment options is MWF full days. Your child will maintain their schedule during Optional Care weeks and fees will stay the same. 如果你的孩子没有注册,没有参加, then you would not be charged for that particular Optional Care week(s).
  • 可选医保注册将通过电子邮件, 请看日历 登记及截止日期. It is the family’s responsibility read the email and register, indicate on the form whether they wish to enroll for the Optional Care period, and to register electronically by the deadline to the Program Director or designated email.
  • Optional Care enrollment may not be canceled or changed after the signed application/fee agreement due date without written permission from the Program Director. There may be no refunds for cancellation of Optional Care enrollment after the due date of the application.
  • Parents are responsible for paying Optional Care fees as corresponding to which weeks they register their child(ren) to attend. 收费细节可以在上面找到.
  • A schedule of the Optional Care weeks available can be found on 我们的日历.